At present the main global issue is environment because the lives on earth depend on nature and natural resource violation of the norms of environment is destruction and extinction of the entire civilization. Keeping it in mind all nations sit together and find out the way how to curb pollution of environment. As a responsible organization we cannot ignore our role to take part in different environmental issues like afforestation, campaign against use of plastic, sanitation, proper disposal of garbage and sewage etc.
- To aware students and general public regarding usefulness of cleanliness around their own premises and outside their habitation too.
- To plant trees by way of encouraging public to plant trees around their premises.
- To encourage students and youths to plant trees around their the vacate places of their hamlets.
- To distribute saplings among the interested persons who commit to plant them in areas of need.
- To campaign about the safe disposal of domestic wastes in an area outside the habitation.
- Planting 5250 saplings and plants and using irrigation, digging deep trenches to protect from animals and daily monitoring to avoid unforeseen mishaps.
- Identification self-esteem and self-efficacy.
- Distributed 4000 cloth bags .
- Distributed 100 solar light to tribal students.
- Training cum production on varmie compost.
- Formation of farmers clubs.
- Capacity building of peer leaders.
- Awareness programs.
- Campaign on planting trees and their safety.
- Campaign on use cloth/jute bags instead of plastic.